Thursday 30 January 2014

Looks like a Spoon Full of Sugar to me


When you or one of your family members isn't feeling well, there is no time to muck about looking for whatever medication it is they need.

One thing that was high priority on my list to get organised in our home was our medical supplies. Over the last few years, it has gradually become a mess.

All of our medications, ointments, thermometer and other medical paraphernalia are kept in a big modular mate Tupperware container. For no other reason than it was big enough to fit everything in.

First things first, I went through everything and threw away any old items (especially the Vicks from 2010). As per usual, I decided the best bet would be to keep like items together, so my next step was to sort through the remaining stuff.

I used some small modular mates that I wasn't using to contain items like bandaids and medical wipes, and tablets.

You can use a labeler to keep everything specially labelled (like my Dymo) or download my easy printables for your containers. If you don't have any spare containers, you could use ziploc bags to corral all your medical goodies. I have so many old ice cream buckets to hold the boys Lego and bits and pieces but they would be great for storing medicines too (and practically free). The basket I used was laying around home but you could pick up something similar at Kmart for a reasonable price.

Having everything clearly labelled and easy to get to gives me such a huge sense of achievement. Such a little task, and if you have labels already printed and stuck on, you can complete it in about 5 minutes. If you make the effort each time you reach into your medical supplies to put everything back where it belongs neatly, it can stay this way! (That's the plan anyway.)


Follow along with my Sort Your Life Out in 12 months Series to get some great tips and free printables to help organise your home. I'd love you to join in, no matter what area you are organising. Share your blog posts on my link up on the last Friday of every month (that is THIS Friday people!) and grab the button, or share your pics all month long using the hashtag #oneareaatatime

Thanks for stopping by! Check out these Blog Hops and Linky Parties I'm getting involved with


  1. Oh I soooo need to follow your lead! We keep our medicines in the cupboard on top of the fridge and other than the ones we use every day (vitamins etc.), I'd hate to think what is lurking up there! Not to mention how hot it gets in our house, probably well above the 25 degrees recommended on most of the liquids...

    1. Very true! I found Vicks dated 2010 up there!!!
      So glad to have you following along, Emma! Xox

  2. All ours are thrown in randomly to a plastic container like this. i have sorted them 10000000000000 times and every time i go to find anything someone has moved it, used it, wrecked it or its gone!
    I shall try again :)
    You have inspired me though and i have found three places i need to organise.
    Thanks for joining in "Sunday Brunch @ Mums" Have a good week love xx

    1. Thanks for having me at brunch!! So glad that I have inspired you. Ugh there are some areas that are just never ending aren't there!? (Tupperware cupboard)
      Thanks for stopping by xox

  3. Such a good idea - I have sorted a few times but you have inspired me to try one more time. Popping over from Sunday Brunch @ Mums

    1. Thanks for stopping by Shelley! It is just one of those areas that refuses to remain organised! Good luck!!


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