Thursday 29 August 2013

Filing Organisation Wk2

Revamping my binder was the fun part of my filing organisation.

The crummy part has been to sort through all of the paper documents and organise the filing cabinet. Last week I got a head start and I was so glad it was recycling bin week.

Do I really need the warranties and receipts for appliances that no longer have a valid warranty or any kind of guarantee?
Do I really need to keep old bank statements that I can access online?

For a hoarder and a filing junkie like me these kinds of questions were difficult to ask myself. But in the end, my shredding/recycling pile did grow and I brought myself to get rid of the unnecessary paper in my life. I didn't realise how much paper clutter I was living with!

1. Wrote a list of everything I needed and took a shopping trip (when I am in the organising zone it helps me if I don't need to stop in the middle of things so I try to buy anything I need up front)

Note: When I made my binder I looked for collectable card plastic sleeves to keep business cards or loyalty cards I don't need 24/7. I couldn't find them anywhere but on this shopping trip I found a neat little business card holder at Kmart for $3! Score!

2. Brainstormed my categories for filing

3. Pulled out ALL of my paperwork to sort into categories (including a recycle/shred pile!)

4. Printed labels for each suspension folder

5. Put back into the filing cabinet neatly and organised

Tah-Dah! Five simple steps that took me five days to accomplish. Between Aaron and I there is a lot of paperwork. If you stay on top of it to begin with there should never be issues.
I vow never to go so long without filing again!

Check out my new Instagram tomorrow to get photos of the end result!

Next week I am going to be revamping my Meal Planning, Grocery and Recipe Binder.


  1. What are applances?

    1. No idea.. pretty sure "Applances" isn't a word.
      Thanks for the proofread


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